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list of bots

a somewhat complete list
of all bots and generators
  © 1998-2025

1 00_automat_circular

2 10bubblesOn3lines

3 12x12grid_static_bustrophedon

4 12x12grid_static_circle

5 12x12grid_static_directions

6 12x12grid_static_linear

7 12x12grid_static_spiral

8 12x12_automat_free_line

9 12x12_automat_labyrinth_456c

10 12x12_automat_line_meander_4x4

11 12x12_automat_line_meander_4x4a

12 12x12_automat_write

13 12x12_automat_write_4x4

14 12x12_automat_write_c_4x4

15 12x12_automat_write_c_6x6x1

16 12x12_automat_write_doubleraster

17 12x12_automat_write_lineblocks

18 12x12_automat_write_lines

19 12x12_automat_write_lines_4x4

20 12x12_automat_write_meander_456

21 12x12_automat_write_meander_4x4

22 12x12_automat_write_meander_box

23 12x12_automat_write_meander_box_recursive

24 12x12_automat_write_tri_4x4

25 12x12_autowrite_labyrinth_456

26 12x12_autowrite_labyrinth_a

27 2d_gallery_lib

28 2d_lib

29 2d_mini_library

30 2d_mini_library_square

31 2d_spiral_cube

32 2x2circleTangent

33 3areas_cut

34 3d_20rooms-1

35 3d_20rooms

36 3d_areas_cut

37 3d_bezier_curves

38 3d_mini_library

39 3d_mini_library_room

40 3d_QuadrangularStack_0

41 3d_supper_cube

42 3lines_cut

43 3_3l_areacuts

44 4letterWords

45 4plus4stipes

46 4squares_0

47 4square_1

48 4_times_4

49 5bubbles_spiral

50 5bubbles_spiral_aframe

51 5_times_5

52 6times6

53 6x6zimZum

54 6x6zimZum_1

55 6x6zimZum_1oc

56 6x6zimZum_1shift

57 6x6zimZum_1shift_oc

58 6x6zimZum_oc

59 7x7-2

60 a-maze

61 af-frame-io

62 afLemancier-clouds

63 aframe-cubemap

64 aframe-triangles_0

65 aframe-triangles_1

66 af_3triangle

67 af_cones

68 allOverSquared

69 alpha-letter

70 arabianEightMedici

71 arabianN8mediciAframe

72 arabianN8s

73 architect.js

74 architectUnit.js

75 arch_1

76 armslegs

77 athensblock

78 athensBlockGrid2d

79 athensblock_0

80 athensblock_1

81 athensBlock_3d

82 autogame

83 barsAndStripes.js

84 bar_0

85 bar_1

86 bbabstract

87 bezierBubbles

88 bezierBubbles_3b_4f_leaf_h_ani

89 bezierBubbles_3b_ani

90 bezierBubbles_4

91 bezierBubbles_4final

92 bezierLeaf_a2d

93 bezierLeaf_e

94 bezierLeaf_f

95 bezierLeaf_g

96 bezierLeaf_g2

97 bezierLeaf_h

98 bezierLeaf_h_ani

99 bezierPattern

100 bezierPatternBlurAnimation

101 bird

102 blackAndWhite

103 blackAndWhiteCube

104 bmard

105 bmard_1

106 bm_wave

107 bm_wave_2d

108 bm_wave_side

109 bodys

110 borderIsOpen.js

111 box

112 box2

113 boxPlanerFlat

114 boxPlaner_0

115 boxPlanShape

116 brush-blend-circle

117 brush-line-ani-bbc

118 brush-line-monitor

119 brush-line-monitor_a

120 brush-line-monitor_b

121 brush-line-monitor_c

122 brush-line-monitor_cb

123 brush-line-monitor_circle

124 brush

125 brush2

126 brush3

127 brush3a_clean

128 brush3a_ex

129 brush3d

130 brush3ex

131 brush4

132 brush4a

133 brush4ab

134 brush5

135 brush6

136 brush6ani

137 brush6wide

138 brush7a_circle_ani

139 brush7_lib

140 brush7_rect_ani

141 brushlib_7mc

142 brushNO3b

143 brush_a_1

144 brush_a_1ani

145 brush_a_1_400

146 brush_a_5

147 brush_bbc_ani

148 brush_b_5

149 brush_b_5a

150 brush_b_5b

151 brush_b_5c

152 brush_b_ani

153 bubbleLineCube

154 bubblesOnLines

155 bubblesOnLines2

156 bubbles_sq

157 bw_wave_cir

158 c0_bird

159 centerCircle

160 centerCirclesArpN8s

161 chatIndex

162 circleConnection

163 circlePatternA

164 circleRandom.js

165 circleRandomMayBird.js

166 circles-iar-vr2

167 circlesInARound

168 circlesInARoundSq

169 circlesInARoundSq2

170 collection_0

171 collection_6x6_1

172 collection_automat_write_9

173 collection_automat_write_9a

174 collection_bm_wave_10

175 collection_circle_tester_5-6

176 collection_frame_2

177 collection_frame_stripe_3

178 collection_nay_circles_6

179 collection_plus_4

180 collection_plus_nay_5

181 collection_segments_7

182 collection_segment_tester_6-7

183 collection_triangle_8

184 colouredframe

185 ColouredFramesMoving

186 coloured_plates_0

187 commentary.PLABA

188 commentaryOne.lib

189 comments_2

190 comments_3libPart1

191 cross

192 crossBarCube

193 cubeThree_4.1.working

194 cubeThree_5working

195 cubeThree_6working

196 cubeThree_7-subtract

197 cubeThree_8-6frameCube

198 cubeThree_8-6frameCube_ex1

199 curvedStripes_lib

200 deer_klee

201 deer_klee_1






207 draw3dCubes

208 drawCubes

209 drawCubes_1

210 drawLikeABaby_ring

211 drawLikeABaby_wave

212 draw_like-a-baby.0

213 draw_like-a-baby.1

214 draw_like-a-baby

215 dripdrop

216 dripdrop_1

217 dripdrop_scribble7struct

218 drippingDrop.2

219 drippingDrop.js

220 fishandchips

221 flatspace

222 fleisch-kupka-compined

223 fleisch-kupka

224 fleischmannKupka

225 frame_1

226 frame_1c

227 frame_1sq

228 frame_2

229 frame_2a

230 frame_2sq

231 freeShapes

232 fruehtrunk_sequence

233 gallery

234 gallery_1_stripes

235 gallery_2_3d

236 gallery_AR.php

237 generateBarImage.animation

238 generateBarImage.js

239 glyph_problem

240 gridGenerator.js

241 gridGenerator_old.js

242 halfcubes

243 hc-texture

244 hesse1

245 hesse2

246 hesse2a

247 hesse3

248 hesse4

249 hesseEva1

250 hesseTondo

251 hesse_cheese

252 hesse_cheeseA

253 hesse_cheeseB

254 hesse_struc

255 hesse_structures

256 imagesquares.js

257 inBoxing-vr


259 isoDishedTriangle

260 landscape_1

261 landscape_1b

262 libraInOut

263 library

264 libraryblockbuilder_3d

265 library_1

266 lib_triangle_0

267 lib_triangle_1

268 lib_triangle_lib

269 lightning

270 lightning_a

271 lightning_animated_a

272 lightning__animated

273 lineNoCrossing

274 lineNoCrossingBezierPattern

275 linescribble-1

276 linescribble-2

277 linescribble-3

278 linescribble-4

279 linescribble-5

280 linescribble-6

281 linescribble-7

282 linescribble-7structs

283 lohse3x3

284 mcLeanProb_0

285 mcLeanProb_1

286 meander

287 mexicanPyramidsForVeraMolnar

288 mirror

289 mirror_squares

290 monet

291 monet2

292 multiCanvasBezier

293 nay

294 nayCircularLines

295 nayCircularLines_6

296 nayeye_0

297 nayeye_1

298 nayeye_2

299 naylines_0

300 naylines_1

301 naylines_2

302 naylines_3

303 naylines_4

304 nay_0

305 nay_1

306 nay_2dot

307 nay_2dot_lines

308 nay_3segments

309 nay_generator

310 nocubes

311 oval_anim

312 oval_anim2

313 p-bezier-scratch.js

314 p-circles.js

315 p-rhythm.js

316 paintLikeABaby.0

317 paintLikeABaby.1

318 paintLikeABaby.2

319 paintLikeABaby

320 paragraphAnalysis

321 pastelLine-ani_lib

322 pastelWaterBrush

323 pastelWaterLineCurve

324 perspective_0

325 perspective_1

326 polycurve

327 quad

328 raster

329 rect4x2

330 rect4x4aframe

331 rect4x4x

332 rect6x6brush

333 rect6x6brushNframe

334 rects4x4

335 rectStripeBoxes4x4

336 regal

337 regal2

338 regal2a

339 shapesWithRules

340 simpleIdentifier

341 simpleSquares

342 sixKn8s

343 sixOvalSculpture

344 skin_0

345 skin_1

346 spiralHeilmannCircles

347 spiralMolnar

348 spiralSquare

349 spiralSquareEdge

350 spiralSquarePyramid

351 squad

352 squad2

353 squareIn

354 squareIn2

355 squareInner

356 squareOut.js

357 squeezed_squares

358 station_hub_3d

359 stellartown

360 stripes

361 stripes2

362 stripes_3

363 stripes_xpattern

364 stripe_waves

365 tangentPolylineCircle

366 tangentPolylineCircle_1

367 test_lib

368 text2speech

369 text2speech4cw

370 text2speechpoem

371 tweetRandom.js

372 virtualGardenHedgeAnimation

373 virtualGardenHedgeAnimation2

374 vr-test-box-2a

375 vr-test-box_1

376 vr2

377 vrgarden.js

378 vrgarden5x5.js

379 vrgarden6x6.js

380 vrgarden8x8.js

381 vrgardenLine

382 xpattern-diagonal

383 xpattern-j-johns

384 zimzum_fracts

385 vrgbot1

386 vrgbot2

387 vrgbot3

388 vrgbotCIAR

389 vrgbotLeaf

390 vrgBotMultiMedia

391 vrgTweetMazeOld
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