Collection Library
Grid based 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, or 6x6
basic figures
01. lines02. stripes
03. blocks
04. squares
05. circles
06. ovals/ellipses
07. half circle curves
08. circles with holes
09. ovals/ellipses with holes
10. zimzum/zickzack
11. xpatterns/diagonals
12. segments/moon/tangent
13. bm wave curves
14. nay curve lines
15. nay curve waves
16. bw circular lines
17. triangles - filled or 3 strokes
18. triangles - 3 strokes with hole
19. frames - 4 strokes with hole
20. background brush
This demo utilizes only the triangle figure,
with and without holes,
and the background brush for the canvas.
brush/line types
01. brush-stroke02. dripdrop
03. crayon
04. pencil-lines
fill methods
01. horizontal/vertical02. bounding box based with orientation, clipped
03. inTriangle free wave flow (little overflow)
04. clipped three stripes
05. three stripes overflow
06. follow a side
01. repeating figures02. repeating figures with gaps/overlaps
03. grid of figures
04. grid of figures with gaps/overlaps
05. stars/centered overlay of "linear" figures (similar to complex figures like frames, wave lines, etc.)
06. placement on the canvas, in the grid: side, corner, center,...
07. connectivity of figures: point to point, point to area, side by side, ...
08. rotation of figures
09. releation of figures to the base grid of the canvas
10. perspective - scaling of figures
11. perspective - meaning of figures
12. layers/staffelgrund prospects
13. inset/outset composition
14. multiplication/division/addition/subtraction layer's ops
15. mirror etc.