Indeed a reconstruction of the "fontein"-series (1991-1992) by the lieschen
- tweetRandom instead of random
anomated brushstrokes and ctx.clip(path) instead of ctx.fill()
add random dots (full arc r= 10 to 30) after each(rnd = 0.65?) segment
is drawn
segments are build from 2 circles (random radius) and 2 lines (random
length), therefore we have more segments and figures, 3 segments, left
and right scythe like and the middle one. The figures are scythe /
haflmoon, double scythe, center segment and circle with cut out circle.
Explore the figures and figure combinations.
build lines from segments connecting the intersection points of the
circles, aka the edges of the segments.
- a cut out version with holes and (3d) shapes
- the multi canvas box space version