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library project

part I rules


3x3 grid < the chossen one / fixed
4x4 grid
¿5x5 grid?
6x6 grid
¿8x8 grid?


positional rules:
positions in half units for loose (any and twice or more),
strict (every position once), and interlocked (any and twice or more)
distinct only allows full unit positions (any and twice or more)
no strict for distinct or interlocked


figures are implemented as ‘generate_’ functions
returning an entity(2d&3D) object with a draw function
the problem is that the generate_ functions only implement the general rules for the shapes
they can not be forced to generate a specific sized shape or position
like rectangle 1x1.5 on left side only
special generate_ functions have to be implemented for that

collection and amount ops are possible:

  1. line2d (0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3) one dimensional only depends on crayon or scribble/sketch effect
  2. stripes 0.5 x (1 1.5 2 3)
  3. rectangles (1 1.5 2 ) x (1 1.5 2 3)
  4. squares (1 1.5 2 ) x (1 1.5 2 )
  5. circles (1 1.5 2 2.5) x (1 1.5 2 2.5)
  6. rings (1 1.5 2 2.5) x (1 1.5 2 2.5)
    • no ellipse, oval, or other round shapes so far except for overlays
  7. x-pattern stripes and blocks (0.5 1 1.5 2 ) x 3 x for diagonal-cross-fragment
  8. frames ( 1.5 2 2.5 3) x (1.5 2 2.5 3)
  9. symmetric triangles (1 1.5 2 2.5 3) x (1 1.5 2 2.5 3)
    • no 90° triangles so far
  10. segments (1 1.5 2 2.5 3) x ? (concave)
  11. moons (1 1.5 2 2.5 3) x ? another segment (convex)
  12. tangents (1 1.5 2 2.5 3) x ? another segment (one side flat)
  13. overlays:
    • 12a. curved overlays (1 1.5 2 2.5 3) x 3 (convex, concave, x negative)
    • 12b. overlays (1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3) x 3
      nay-(wavy-)lines, zimzums, brice-marden-figs, etc. advanced figures
      irregular figures

composition by position

compositional rules:

  1. side top, right, bottom, left [4 of 4]
  2. corner top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left [4 of 8]
  3. opposite side top-bottom, left-right [2 of 10]
  4. center [1 of 11]
  5. u-shape - one side open (top, right, bottom, left) [4 of 15]
  6. border (all sides) [1 of 16]
  7. “lines” , along center lines (horizontal, vertical) - not for all figures possible [2 of 18]
  8. “diagonals” , along center diagonals (top-left2bottom-right, top-right2bottom-left) -
    not for all figures possible [2 of 20]
  9. “cross” , along center cross (straights, diagonals) - not for all figures possible [2 of 22]

this [22] figures have to be multiplied by the combination with the positional rules
[of 88] this number may vary depending on the figures and the positional rules which can be applied to the figures example: for 1x1 squares 88 combinations are possible and implemented in moduleSquareOne.lib.js

amount rules. assume [1 to 9], but may differ - amount of figures in the grid combinations of figures possible meta-figure rules (example: lines for 1x1 squares are [1-6]), sometimes not possible

colour palette

colour palette variations - depending on the selected palette, palette-library (example 6 colours is 6 foreground colours and 6 shadow colours [6x6 = 36])

  1. b&w (black, white, grey, x shades of grey) (4, 5, or 6 colours times x shadows = 16 to 36)
  2. prime colours (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white) (6 colours times 6 shadows = 36 ) (MAIN)
  3. 4 x 85 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 64 colours
    • 3a. like 3 extended with greys 64 + 5 colours - random choice of appearance of grey in percentage
  4. 6 x 51 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 216 colours
    4a. like 4 extended with greys 216 + 6 colours - random choice of appearance of grey in percentage
  5. 15 x 17 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 3375 colours similar to 17 x 15 (16 x 16)
  6. 17 x 15 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 4913 colours similar to 15 x 17 (16 x 16)
    NOT 51 x 6 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 132651 colours
    NOT 85 x 4 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 614125 colours
  7. 256 x 1 steps, 3 channels (RGB) 16777216 colours
  8. distinct colours (random choice of 2,3,4,5,6 colours out of any of the above (3 to 7))
  9. monochrome with shadow (black, white, grey, …, x shades of colour) (1 colour with 6 shadows)


¿external libraries for effects? effects: brushstrokes, crayon, dripping dots, scribble&sketch, fluid {, flat(with or without gradients)} {scratch effects uses negative|subtract layer of brushstrokes, crayons, fluid(wash)}

advanced rules

advanced rules:

  1. connections
    a. figures share exactly one point on corners
    b. figures share a point corner to line
    c. figures share a points in area of the other figure corner to area
    d. figures cross outlines (intersecting not crossing areas)
    e. figures share a outline (neighbouring)
    f. figures share an area (intersecting, overlays, crossing)
    connection may go off the grid positions, but not outside the canvas
  2. when to-do what, exclusion of figures,… in combination,… in connection, colour changes etc.
    example: if a not b until c happened again
    when to stop, when to start, when to repeat, when to change, when to continue
  3. ¿specify?


rules do work to a limit - figures, shapes need special rules to implement similar rules,
the may have more than one possibility or different limits or […] of interpretation of
that one rule depending on their shape

texturing a 2d shape is not simply applying an effect

triangles are (of(f)) interest(ing)

future strategy

acknowledging the intend of the library/libraries to be used in 2d and 3D
re-investigating and polishing older libraries to be used here, too.

creating a creative artist VM / stack mapping rules of (de)construction and (de)composition

integrate a minimum set for one (or two simple shapes), don’t overdo.
Square 1x1 is done, may add a subset of stripes (0.5 x [1-3])
combine with the subset of 3d generators, which is done into an VR/AR/XR/3D environment
with tweetRandom and commentary (¿fully?) implemented - fully -> comment chain, and chat,
and scrambled eggs and urlaut-soup poems

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