the first three types are basic ones basic level: brush, circle, bubble
all following ones are more complex level one: square, rectangle, triangle, star, [rhomb, ..,] rastergrid, 2cstripes, outlinecircleraster do remix a basic type level two: outlinesquareraster, starraster, outlinetriangleraster, [outlinerectangleraster, ..] do remix complex types of level one level three: algoritmic ones, which involves predefined compositions like outlinesquareinsquare, outlinecircleincircle, outlinetriangleintriangle, [multioutlinesquare,..] level four: lib results as you can see in Formal-In-Formal
using temporary collections for colours, [types, position and rotation, methods]
serial calls of the predefined methods,
any angle or only in 90°degrees,
possible animation, single basic level operations create level one, two, three,.. operations
animations would be performed step by step
the artwork would be either an image or an animation
masking areas emulate newspaper/tape covers
preset composition libs
preset rules like ‘rotated around anker points’, ‘move along a path’, … libs
use of real textRandom method
any choice and selection is driven by textRandom
createUpdate() method selects an operation and other basic settings like rectAngleOption (90°degree)
drawUpdate() method permoms the step wise drawings
experiment with simple underlying dividing strokes and a compositional raster 2020-04-26
A variation on ideas extracted from some sketches and paintins of Stanley Whitney and Günther Förg.
Combine frames and stack them to horizontal and vertical lines.
THe first image shows the base lines, the second the resulting raster with duplications of border lines. The split and link points of lines might be somewhere in the middle.