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A library For Images

basic operations


combined operations

the first three types are basic ones
basic level: brush, circle, bubble
all following ones are more complex
level one: square, rectangle, triangle, star, [rhomb, ..,] rastergrid, 2cstripes, outlinecircleraster do remix a basic type
level two: outlinesquareraster, starraster, outlinetriangleraster, [outlinerectangleraster, ..] do remix complex types of level one
level three: algoritmic ones, which involves predefined compositions like outlinesquareinsquare, outlinecircleincircle, outlinetriangleintriangle, [multioutlinesquare,..]
level four: lib results as you can see in Formal-In-Formal

      basic level types
first level types
second, third level types

early images from 2020-03-08

lieschen mueller     © 2020

Method Calls and Variations

how and what to do, features list:

createUpdate() method selects an operation and other basic settings like rectAngleOption (90°degree)
drawUpdate() method permoms the step wise drawings

lieschen mueller an interesting experimental glitch © 2020

experimental images from 2020-03-09

lieschen mueller     © 2020

experimental images from 2020-03-10

lieschen mueller     © 2020

experimental images from 2020-03-11

experimental images from 2020-03-12

images from 2020-03-15 with reduced colour palettes

lieschen mueller     © 2020

images from 2020-03-16 triangle rasters

lieschen mueller     © 2020

experiment with polycurves/waves and division rule from 2020-03-25

lieschen mueller © 2020

experiment with simple underlying dividing strokes and a compositional raster 2020-04-26

A variation on ideas extracted from some sketches and paintins of Stanley Whitney and Günther Förg.
Combine frames and stack them to horizontal and vertical lines.
THe first image shows the base lines, the second the resulting raster with duplications of border lines. The split and link points of lines might be somewhere in the middle.

lieschen mueller © 2020

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