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Early generators and bots


Prior generators have been written in BASIC - from 1980 to 1992 - digital generated draft,
analog data transfer and production
- and java - the idea of a complete digital production chain.

The birdland generators are a partitial remake of those first basic BASIC experiments,
where I detected something that I call(ed) semantic random. The blue head and the black rabbit
are documents of those early results. The birdland images show nowadays more focused results.
This specific generator creates images of the type birds(-like), simple constellations(astro),
faces(smileys) and takeout - mostly interesting ones. One might say to oneself:
‘It is something, but what?’


The zero bot was written in PHP to support a kickstarter campaign named
‘Break In The Frame’.
The bot produced frames-in-frames images, a pattern i recently reused in
bot No.1 for the VR-gallery. I assembled the weekly sequence of images in
3 videos, which you can find here:
week 1
week 2
week 3


The first bot for the virtual gallery was written in PHP for VR. It will get an upgrade into the javascript language, which allows a more homogen infrastructure. It generates one bar-image if a webpage user opens the webVR gallery.
The image is stored to the file system and as JSON to the a database.
The second part is an AJAX service to deliver the 5 last images.
The VR-page shows those 5 images in the gallery.

I did a lot of experiments on VR, so two different ideas for a VR gallery exist.

The (not anymore) upcoming next V-R gallery and The old V-R gallery virtual building.

The bot also post to twitter and to the slack channel of has some social channels on Twitter and Slack. You are invited to parcitipate.

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