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create a DaDa-istic meta language to merz the concepts of language down to imagined language poetic noise.

a o u d t l s x

merz from Commerz meaning commerce providing other lesser specific meaning sounding like March

da ta la sa xa ad at al as ax

assuming the grammar because not knowing anything about the language possibly used (could be Chinese) generating the statistic for the text, partially by the assumed grammar (still could be Chinese)

creating a meta language which has it’s own “grammar”

Urlaut soup

ancestral primordial primal primary loud noisy sounds & tones auditory event object prototype phoneme

“Keep it cooking”

paragraphAnalysis.html - analyses the generated poem

text2speech.html - poem generator with pseudo grammar

linescribble(1 to 6).html - variations in the range of Paul Klee/ Frider Nake, Stanley Whitney, Louise Fishman, Mark Rothko, Agnes Martin, Sean Scully … you name it yourself

brushlib_7mc.html and the brushes/lib.js - an auto destructive image sequence animation

what they do

translates, merzes the understandable input text with the tweetRandom algorithm (all go rhythm) ein/aus are the binary states fed with extra numbers by the paragraphAnalysis or a time-based id-hash

“language is an asshole” or as the former Chancellor Kohl, 1982 to 1998 (1930-2017), once said “Wichtig ist was hinten bei rauskommt.” ‘important is what comes out at the back’ which is always …

sidesteps here
abstract identity - obstructed
formal informal - form in form


The (real?) Merz but not other contemporary post Merkel one found objects

Merz Project

auto destructive

from sense to nonsense “Stop Making Sense” Sense translate to #scythe#

neon cubism

inferior super social - mix this a social DaDa interaction in form of a chat / short message system the produced output data is a fingerprint of the input and can be reproduced with the knowledge of the meta-data Is it also reversable? To a certain level … like yes means yeah or “American” ja The image animation speech are only fingerprints though.

associative chain

binds us like a throne
chair - charity - the verbal pun - sitting/sat - saddle - where we take our ride - horse, form the horses mouth, or the bicycle - binocular, the visual pun

the PoeT Merz Art and Language Navigation