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What is (an Art)work?

Can producing art be seriously work?
Making art is self entertaining, isn’t it?
Why do we work? It is because of the money, isn’t it?
But some people like their work, enjoying it.
We do feel work as an key-essential for our life -
so why do we try to avoid work anyway?

A definition of work

Work was once invented to avoid the daily individual amount of work.
It does take more time to do something successful without experience in doing it.
Not only you one has to learn to do the thing, the performance is slower and assumable less successful.
This is not your ones profession.

An hunter is better in hunting a mammoth; (s)he finds it, kills it without being
hurt or killed and (s)he carries the back the fresh flesh.
A seed-collector knows where, which and when to find seeds, a stone-age tool
maker knows how to make them and which stones, bones or woods you one has to
In modern times good house keeper is faster and better in cleaning the house
compared to an average person. A car repair mechanic knows this car. A shoemaker
knows how to make shoes. A train driver know how to drive a train. She has a licence.
This results in a better performance.

If you one have to drive a train, would the train ever have left the station?
You one would still sit there and try to figure out how to start the train.
You one would still work.

Work results in an physical evidence. This is called the product.
A shoe is such a physical embodiment, but also the collected seeds,
which will be cooked to serve a meal and disappear while men are eating the meal.
Driving a train is similar. The product is a physical movement.
It, the product, has a representation form within its nature.

  • Work is avoiding work.
  • Work has a special purpose. It is a profession.
  • Work shall give one more (rest/spare) time.
  • Work results in a product
  • Normal life work does NOT count as work

Shall work be fun?

…the economic needs and the ecological essences affect and effection

What is art?

Lately since J.Beuys said ‘Everyone is an artist. I mean. I don’t claim to be an
artist aslong not erverybody understand ones doing as art.’, the claim of everyone
is an artist is common public. This sentence seems to trivialise art and art making,
devaluating this to something everybody can - without understanding.
The hook is the understanding. This is a hidden implicit demand1 to try harder,
work harder, achieve the ultimate best. What ever this is! It is questioning the meaning of value in both ways. Our common sense, money, and our
understatements of understanding values. Mystic, social, spiritual, ritual, cultural
value. Our sense for fon, life, joy., the investment of time. Our relations to all of those and many more.

You may ask what? But Beuys was a cocett cocette, when he was saying such things. He does want to question your senses of understanding, that is, what an artist should do. This is how an artist defines ones self. As a mysteria and a crowd-tickler.

Redefining the self understanding of the crowd’s common sense, is the work of an artist. And this kind of art has physical if not to say practical evidence and meaning.

So to say - with ‘saying everyone is an artist’ - Beuys did say “Hardly anyone is an
artist including me, Beuys.” The very best we one can achieve is to fail awesomely, doing our ones virtual best, while we one try to do the very ultimate, total best.

But this also includes the question(s) of humen (doings) value(s).

Art and or design

Desegnio: de vera insignio dei
including gods sign inside
and I pretty much doubt any spoon, wether gold or
silver is a sign of any god 2

A definition of Kunst

art is NOT design
Kunst kommt nicht von Können, sondern von Kunde
Art does not derive from ability/skill, but to lore/knowledge
art - Art und Weise - the unknown, rare, new
virtually spiritual, art is healing

1 Commandment would fit, too, as good as commitment. I talk about Beuys, a very ‘religious’ person, an art shaman.
2 My doubts are including the god or goddess of spoons.

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