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some test versions:

The tweetRandom function has three sources to create a random number between 0 and 1: The sources are text, id, userData

tweet random uses
the text of the comment as text value,
the ids of the comment/user/(bio) as id value,
the userDatas - id, updateDate, lastLoginDate, nickname, pre-
and surname, bio, email, birthday as userData, …, (profile image path ?)

involve the source code of the selected generator to create the secondaryTweetRandom for Brushes and resolution/dimension depended operations **
select dimension of the canvas? **

sort by

threads - based on answers to the prior element may split out into sub-threads
keyword/tag - keyword, a search word this text is indexed for, tag similar, but is explicit in the text
time - date, time search
author - name, pre and surname, birthday, location, etc to identify the text by specifically this author
topic - similar to keyword/tag, yet might be a general small descriptive text of itself, not only one word
trends - currently most viewed. bookmarked, or shared
following - the people one is following
followers - the people who are follow one

** not needed/implemented *** optional